What does turmeric do for you?
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For many people turmeric is not only not a stranger, but is a regular part of their culinary customs. Having turmeric at home as a condiment not only gives you the opportunity to enhance your dishes, it also gives you a broad spectrum of potential supports for your health and that of your family.
The main component of curcumin , curcumin alone , is not absorbed well by the body, it hardly affects our tissues before it is excreted, but it is absorbed well when consumed whole, in powder, or in concentrated extracts.
Turmeric lends itself to different forms of presentation :
In powders, as a culinary condiment, with which to aromatize dishes and various stews
In micronized powders - the particles reduced to the maximum possible, dose of 100 mg daily.
In infusion of powders, generally associated with other plants, 20 g per liter of water, three glasses daily in discontinuous treatments.
In liquid extracts, concentrated, 25 drops per day in three doses.
In tincture, 50 to 80 drops a day in three or four shots, better if mixed with fruit juice .
In syrup, with lemon juice, to help lose weight and as a detoxifier.
Curcumin supplements associated with complexes of phospholipids or trace elements that favor their absorption, about 500 mg daily in three doses.
In capsules, 50 mg daily.
Turmeric oil, applied externally onto the skin inflamed, fungicidally or repellent insects , but also massage on sore members because of rheumatic inflammations and muscle contractures.
Turmeric poultims to cure acne and other skin impurities.
Precautions with turmeric
The taking of turmeric for therapeutic purposes should not be done cheerfully, without taking into account certain precautionary measures. Turmeric as a condiment does not pose any risk, if reasonable quantities are not exceeded.
As an orientation, we offer the following recommendations, but if you have doubts, always consult your trusted herbalist.
Turmeric consumption is discouraged at high doses or in very prolonged treatments. Some cases of intolerance or liver damage , but more frequently, heartburn or gastric irritation have been reported .
It should be avoided in case of bowel obstruction .
Because it can increase menstrual flow, it is contraindicated during pregnancy if taken as a concentrated extract.
It is not recommended to take it if anticoagulant and antiplatelet treatments , such as aspirin, are being followed to avoid possible unwanted interactions.
Natural Remedies with Turmeric
We propose some herbal formulas or natural remedies that incorporate turmeric and that you can prepare yourself, or ask them to elaborate in your reliable herbalist.
Formula to decongest the liver
(After intoxication or food allergy)
Ingredients: Ingredients
Turmeric powder, marian thistle , boldo , fumaria, grass, black radish and green anise, 20 g per plant.
preparation: Preparation
Mix thoroughly the different ingredients on a flat surface. Separate one tablespoon of the mixture from the mixture by glass of water. You put it to boil 2-3 minutes and leave in rest ten minutes more.
Dose: Dose
Two glasses a day, before or after main meals.
Formula to Lower LDL Cholesterol and Triglycerides
Ingredients: Ingredients
Powders of turmeric, artichoke , harpagofito , birch (leaves) and green anise.
preparation: Preparation
A tablespoon of the mixture in equal parts per glass of water. You boil it two minutes, let it sit ten more minutes, and strain it.
Dose: Dose
Two or three glasses a day, you can add stevia to compensate for the bitter taste of the artichoke and harpagofito.
Formula to protect the heart
Ingredients: Ingredients
Powders of turmeric, ginger , olive (leaves), hawthorn and black currant.
preparation: Preparation
About 20 g per plant. Mix well the different plants, separate a tablespoon of the mixture per glass of water. You put it to boil barely two minutes and let it sit, covered, about ten minutes more, and strain it.
Dose: Dose
One or two glasses a day, better fasting.
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