Turmeric, a spice with miraculous effects
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I will briefly devote myself to teaching you some principles about a spice with miraculous effects such as turmeric.
What is turmeric?
It is a plant very well known and used in India, since its greater reproduction occurs in this place, besides being characterized by having an orange yellow color and growing up to more than 1 meter in height.
It is formed by two rows of leaves and flowers that have the striking color already described and its production mainly occurs in India but also in other Asian countries like Polynesians and Micronesians.
What is turmeric used for?
It is mainly used in the kitchen as a spice that usually spices the curry originated in India but this is not its only use since it is also quite useful and serves to calm ailments like pain and stiffness of joints but also other manifestations such as:
Bad digestion.
Alzheimer's disease.
Properties and Benefits of Turmeric
Among the benefits found that have effects thanks to its medicinal properties we have:
Firstly it is said that it possesses a high potential of absorption reason why it arrives quickly to any place of the body and this next to its photochemical content promotes the control of the Cancer.
Thanks to the large vitamin B complex content that turmeric possesses is a potent anti-inflammatory and thus benefits as a treatment for arthritis and other inflammatory manifestations.
Turmeric contains iron which is good for the presence of iron deficiency anemia.
Zinc along with vitamins A and C help the synthesis of collagen making it a potent protector of the skin against UVE rays.
You have high density fats so it is good for regulating blood cholesterol levels.
Contraindications of turmeric
The taste of turmeric is very strong and does not like everyone so it is consumed in small amounts. They can also have side effects.
It is not advisable for pregnant women and people without gallbladder.
Turmeric as a medicinal treatment
Stomach Problems: Turmeric is good for digestive disorders because it helps to perform digestion. Its active principles favor the production of pancreatic and gastric juices in this way helps to balance the pH in the organs.
Avoid flatulence: Turmeric helps remove gas from the gut. With it you can avoid kidney cramps, stomach ache and flatulence .
Help with liver problems: This spice is a good biliary tonic that will help protect liver functions. Turmeric is composed of curcumin which is orange in color and helps to remove stones in the gallbladder. It is also anti-inflammatory and helps with drainage.
It is highly recommended for patients with jaundice, cirrhosis and other liver disorders.
It is good against cancer: Turmeric has anti-cancer compounds. It is good against skin cancer, colon cancer, duodenum and breast cancer.
It is good for rheumatoid arthritis : The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric produce benefits in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis and rheumatism.
Eliminates Depression: For many years the Chinese have used turmeric to treat depressions and psychological disorders, achieving good results and attenuating symptoms.
Protects the heart: The consumption of turmeric helps with cardiovascular diseases. Also helps for cholesterol and triglycerides.
Enhance immunity: Turmeric has the body's high immune power thanks to zinc, polysaccharides and alcohol.
Reduces respiratory problems: The bronchitis estrada gives everything with turmeric for its antioxidant properties. It is a natural treatment for COPD.
Protects the body from free radicals: This yellow spice extracts body all the elements that cause free radicals.
Where to buy turmeric
Buying turmeric is as easy as going to markets or supermarkets and going to the vegetable area and choosing it or buying web life for several pages on the internet that ship free to Spain and several countries in Europe.
When choosing turmeric we should make sure that it is not saffron or ginger as it tends to confuse, so we should chop it a little to verify its characteristic orange-yellow color.
How to Take Turmeric
The way to consume turmeric is quite varied since it can be ingested in powder, in the form of root or bound with some liquids.
Turmeric can be eaten as a root, looks quite similar to ginger but has a rather bitter taste so it can be unpleasant to taste.
In powder turmeric can be bound with liquids or to give color to food, and also for the creation of accompanying sauces.

Dust bound with little water causes a paste that can be used in burns or scrapes of the skin. In addition there are naturist stores that sell it in soft capsules, excellent for digestion and other gastrointestinal discomforts.
How turmeric is used in cooking
Turmeric, better known as Long Curcumin, a plant which belongs to the ginger family.
Due to its yellowish color it is used as a food coloring as can be a rice paella. In Asia and the Middle East is an ingredient for sauces.
In our food industry is known as E100 a dye that is used in all types of food. They use it always in very small quantities so that it is not noticed in the taste. The curry powder has it as a component and is what makes it so yellow.
If you are preparing a meal with turmeric we recommend using a small amount. A dessert spoon might be the perfect measure.
Turmeric is a natural substitute for saffron. How you know saffron is a much more expensive product.
Curcuma Recipes for Slimming
A fairly tasty recipe that can be prepared for breakfast, lunch or dinner is turmeric chicken, it is as easy to make as 1, 2, 3 and ready.
First you have to peel and chop the onion and hurt the garlic, these you will mix them with the previously chopped chicken.
In a frying pan add olive oil suffering onion cubes, chives and paprika.
Finally the chicken is placed and it is allowed to cook for several minutes to simmer until noting that the chicken is completely cooked.
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