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If it is consumed daily and in moderate or high amounts, it can have some type of contraindication according to certain problems that the person has.Contraindications of turmeric
Unwanted Effects of Turmeric
Other undesirable effects of turmeric is that it can cause very low blood pressure . In people who are having low pressure it is not recommended that they abuse turmeric because it can make them lower their pressure a lot. Anyway, if you consume a little every so often does not entail any problem. Everything in its fair measure does not have any harmful effect for the organism.
Contraindications of turmeric
The contraindications of turmeric are very marked for people who have gallstones. Turmeric can aggravate the problem. That is why it is not recommended to take in people suffering from this disorder, thus avoiding any disorder. It is also not indicated in people who are hypertensive and are taking medication to lower the pressure. Because it can cause the pressure to go too low.
Turmeric has very potent anticoagulant effects, so it is good for lower inflammation in general. But if the person is taking any medication that is anticoagulant , you should not mix your intake with turmeric because it can be very bad for your body. Since they would be enhancing the anticoagulant effects, which can lead to the person who loses a lot of blood and can not coagulate to cut off bleeding.
The use of turmeric is not recommended in pregnant or lactating women. If you have any doubts you can consult a specialist doctor who can advise well on this topic. Intake of turmeric in large doses may be bad for the body, so do not abuse.